Pattana Cross Country Run 2020 (Social Distancing) #Marathon
Aug 9-16, 2020
Pattana Sport Resort, Thailand
Due to the recent pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) has advised the public on keep a distance between people as one of the preventive measures known as social distancing.
The organizing committee of C55 Events therefore will adjust the structure of the event to meet the social distancing requirement yet maintaining the naturistic fun filled energetic atmosphere.
Pattana Cross Country Run 2020 event will no longer take place on 23 August 2020, but will be divided over a three (3) day period: 9, 15, & 16 August 2020.
Should you have a query, please do not hesitate to contact the Sports Marketing Department of Pattana Sports Resort as per the contact details given below.
For New Athletes
- Event Registration Form
- Tel.: 099 323 8282
- E-mail:
- FB Inbox :

9 August 2020 - 5KM
Open for All | Fun Run | No timing
Early Bird
300 THB
17 July - 7 August 2020
400 THB
9 August 2020 - 10KM
Male and Female 18-29,30-39,40-49,50-59,60 & Above
Early Bird
400 THB
17 July - 7 August 2020
600 THB
15 August 2020 - 21KM
Male and Female 18-29,30-39,40-49,50-59,60 & Above
Early Bird
700 THB
17 July - 14 August 2020
900 THB
16 August 2020 - 21KM
Male and Female 18-29,30-39,40-49,50-59,60 & Above
Early Bird
700 THB
17 July - 14 August 2020
900 THB
16:00 - 18:00 |
Race Pack Collection
A Slice at FAME
05:30 - 09:30 |
Race Pack Collection
A Slice at FAME
06:30 |
Start 5KM, 10 KM (Wave 1)
A Slice at FAME
07:00 |
Start 5KM, 10 KM (Wave 2)
A Slice at FAME
07:30 |
Start 5KM, 10 KM (Wave 3)
A Slice at FAME
07:45 |
Start 5KM (Wave 4)
A Slice at FAME
08:00 |
Start 10 KM (Wave 4)
A Slice at FAME
08:30 - 16:00 |
Start 10 KM (Wave 5)
A Slice at FAME
09:00 |
Start 10 KM (Wave 6)
A Slice at FAME
09:30 |
Start 10 KM (Wave 7)
A Slice at FAME
16:00 - 18:00 |
Race Pack Collection
A Slice at FAME
05:30 - 07:00 |
Race Pack Collection
A Slice at FAME
06:30 |
Start Wave 1
Start line at FAME
06:45 |
Start Wave 2
Start line at FAME
07:00 |
Start Wave 3
Start line at FAME
07:15 |
Start Wave 4
Start line at FAME
07:30 |
Start Wave 5
Start line at FAME
16:00 - 18:00 |
Race Pack Collectiojn
A Slice at FAME
05:30 - 07:00 |
Race pack collection
A Slice at FAME
06:30 |
Start Wave 1
Start line at FAME
06:45 |
Start Wave 2
Start line at FAME
07:00 |
Start Wave 3
Start line at FAME
07:15 |
Start Wave 4
Start line at FAME
07:30 |
Start Wave 5
Start line at FAME
21 km run - Cross country
- This Race is open to participants (aged 18 or older in the day of the event) but not less than 16 years old from any country.
- Participants who between 16 - 18 years old, at the time of the event, must provide a signed consent to participate from their parents or legal guardians. –
- Each participant must recognize that the race requires a minimum level of training and that he/she must be medically fit to participate.
- Each participant also takes responsibility for the risks linked to such an event, including but not limited to, accidents with other participants, bad weather and road traffic conditions.
- The Organizers reserve the right to limit and refuse entries, to amend the Rules and Regulations without prior notification and to amend the race course without prior notification prior notice to participants.
By accepting terms and conditions, each participant takes the full and complete responsibility in the case of an accident that could occur during the race.
It is the participant’s responsibility to attend the race briefing, familiarize themselves with the rules & regulations, race flow and prearranged race courses.
1. Athletes are required to follow directions and instructions of all race officials and public authorities.
2. Course marshals shall have the authority to disqualify participants.
3. Medical personnel shall have ultimate and final authority to remove an athlete from the race, if the athlete is judged to be physically incapable of continuing the race without risk of serious injury or death. Medical transport of any athlete will result in a DNF (Did not finish).
4. Fraud, theft, abusive treatment of volunteers and other acts of poor sportsmanship are grounds for immediate disqualification and potential exclusion from C55 future Organizer’s sports events.
5. If an athlete decides to withdraw from the race at any time, it is the responsibility of the athlete to notify race officials. The participant will therefore not be ranked. (The Organizer will provide a transportation back to the venue).
6. The Organizers reserve the right to limit and refuse entries.
7. The Organizers reserve the right to amend the Rules and Regulations without prior notification.
8. The Organizers reserve the right to amend the race course without prior notice to participants.
9. Participants who are less than 18 at the time of the event, but not less than 16 years old, must provide signed consent to participate from their parents or legal guardians.
10. Each participant recognizes that the race requires a minimum level of training and that it must be medically (physical and mentally) fit to participate.
11. In the event of inclement weather, the Organizers reserve the right to delay the start of the race or modify the course. Should the inclement weather persist after the delay, the Organizers reserve the right to cancel the race or any portion of it (swimming, bike or run) without any refund of registration fees.
12. Each participant must wear a race number at all times while on the course. Race numbers identify the official athletes in the race. Folding, cutting the race number, intentional alteration of any kind, or failure to wear the race number so that it is plainly visible is strictly prohibited and may result in disqualification.
13. Foul language or other unsportsmanlike conduct directed at race officials, police, volunteers, medical personal, rescues, spectators and other athletes is strictly forbidden and may result in disqualification.
14. Participants must wear a proper sport apparel (Athlete’s torso must be covered all time) and during the entire race. Half Zip open is all right. Any athlete without TOP, will result in a DNF (Did not finish).
15. The timekeeping will be carried out by an electronic timing system. All the participants (according to the category) will receive a timing device that includes a sensor, for timekeeping. This timing device will be used to control the race at various points on the route and to provide race timing for each participant.
16. Follow the prescribed course. It is the participant’s responsibility. Participants must cover the prearranged course in its entirety. If a participant must exit the course, they shall re-enter the course at the same point of departure before continuing.
17. Participants competing in the same race may assist each other as following: nutrition and drinks, caps, sunblock cream, etc. No outside assistance is allowed, except at the aid stations by race officials.
18. The participant accepts and agree to the free use of his image captured in the form of photographs or video recording, and grants the Organizer loyalty-free license to use it in all fields of usage, including preservation and dissemination in any form and introduction to computer memory, used to promote and conduct Organizer’s events, providing sponsors and partners events to promote them in the context of participation in the event, posting and publishing in Organizer publications for promotional printed materials, in newspapers, social media, promotional VDOs, websites, communications TV and radio.
19. The Participant gives consent for their personal data included in the application, to be processed for the purposes of the recruitment process of the Organization.
20. All participants must sign “Liability Waiver” before the race.
21. Our events are an environmentally friendly activity and litter is strictly forbidden. Not dispose of trash or equipment on the courses (except at aid stations or other designated trash-disposal points). Intentional or careless littering will result in disqualification.
22. In the case of disqualification, nor race results will be listed for disqualified participants.
- All participants must be in good physical and mental condition.
- The race is not advised for people that have any medical conditions.
- All competitors must also inform the Medical Team of any illness or injury that occurs during or in conjunction with the event.
- By enrolling in the event, the participant declares that he consents to be provided first aid, perform other medical procedures and transport the victim to a safe place, medical and paramedical personnel acting on behalf of the organizer.
- Participant acknowledges that participation in a sporting event is associated with physical effort and entails the natural risk of accidents, injuries and physical injuries (including death), as well as damages and losses of property.
- The signing of a declaration of knowledge of the regulations means that the Participant has considered and assessed the scope and nature of the risks of participation in the event and takes part voluntarily at own risk.
- Friends, family members, supporters, private photographers (non-officials) and/or other spectators are not permitted to cross the finish line or enter the finish chute with participating contestants. (Please note: The Organizer desires for each athlete to be able to celebrate his/her accomplishment without risking the safety of other event participants, volunteers, and/or spectators).
- Supporters of the participants who choose not to respect the finish line policy, should be warned to stay completely clear of all racers that they support/cheered, to avoid the disqualification of a participant.
- A participant for severe rule violations, but not limited to, repeated rule violations, disregard for directives given by race officers, marshals, volunteers, medical staff, public authorities, Race Director and race Control on dangerous or unsportsmanlike conduct;
- Disqualified Participants will not be eligible for any neither timing splits nor race results.
- Participants must wear race number at all times while on the course. Race number must be placed on the front where it is clearly visible. Folding, cutting race number, intentional alteration of any kind or failure to wear race number is strictly prohibited and may result in disqualification.
- Participant’s torso must be covered all time. Half Zip open it is all right. Any athlete without TOP, will result in a DNF (Did not finish).
- Individual support vehicles or non-participant escort runners are NOT allowed and will result in disqualification of the participant. A non-participant escort runner includes participants who have withdrawn from the race, have been disqualified or have finished the race.
- Friends, family members, private photographers, coaches or supporters of any type may not go with a bicycle, drive or run alongside participants, may not pass food or other items to participants and should be warned to stay completely clear of all racers, to avoid the disqualification of a participant.
- It is mandatory upon each participant to immediately reject any attempt to assist, follow or escort.
- It is acceptable for a participant who is still competing to run with other participants, who are still competing.
- Participants are expected to follow the direction and instruction of all race officials, marshals, volunteers and public authorities.
- Participants committing rules violations will be notified “on the spot” by an official.
- Do not attempt to discuss the penalty with the official. Follow the DISPUTES PROCEDURE
- Participants may not use communication devices two-way radios of any type, in any distractive manner during the Race. A “distractive manner” includes playing music and using social media. Using a communication device in a distractive manner during the race, will result in disqualification.
- Only the racer/participant “The Protester”, is allow to present a protest form to the Race Control.
- In the case of a team, only the captain of the team is allowed to file a protest.
- A protest is a formal complaint against the conduct of a fellow athlete, race official, or against conditions of the competition.
- Protests must be filed up the form at the race control, signed by the Protester and submitted to the race control, within 30 minutes of the event ending (or your category/distance finish) or withdrawing from the race.
- Race Protest process:
- To submit a protest form, you must have substantial evidence, including witnesses and you must be willing to take part in an interview.
- Protests form must be filled,
- All protests will be result between 30 minutes, upon receiving the complete Protest Form.
- Final decision will be made by the Race Director.
There will be not appeal, once the decision has been made.
- As a result of a *Force Majeure Event, the organizer considers in its sole discretion that it is necessary to cancel or change the route and/or length of the event, the organizer shall be entitled to cancel, re-schedule or change the event.
- If the event is cancelled, as a result of a Force Majeure Event, the organizer shall not be liable to participants for any losses incurred as a result (including as a result of its negligence) except in respect of losses that cannot be excluded by the Thai law.
- The organizer reserves the right to cancel or re-schedule the event, as they estimate fit for the safety of the participant and/or to prevent any potential hazards (inclement weather, emergency, natural disaster, political situations, etc.) in the running of the event, at any time without prior notice to the participant.
- In such cases, every effort will be made to inform the participant prior to the day/date of the event.
*Force majeure French: meaning "superior force", also known as "chance occurrence, unavoidable accident". Is a common clause in contracts that essentially frees both parties from liability or obligation when an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond the control of the parties, such as a war, strike, riot, crime, or an event described by the legal term act of God (hurricane, flood, earthquake, volcanic eruption, etc.), prevents one or both parties from fulfilling their obligations under the contract. In practice, most force majeure clauses do not excuse a party's non-performance entirely, but only suspend it for the duration of the force majeure.
- Entry fees are non-refundable.
- Entry fees are non-transferable to another competitor.
- In the event of cancellation, the company will refund the amount respectively.
- In the case that the race has been postponed/re-schedule, there will be no refund of entry or processing fees. The company will keep your credit. (non-transferable to another competitor) to be use in another event, organize by the company.
- If a registered participant chooses not to enter the race or declares to the organizer his or her withdrawal on personal grounds, the participant will not be entitled to any refund of the full entry fees.
- If a registered participant chooses not to enter the race or declares to the organizer his or her withdrawal on *medical grounds (upon presentation of medical certificates), the participant will be entitled to a refund of the full entry fees.
*We are unable to make exceptions for pregnancy.
However, if a registered participant chooses to withdraw from the race, the organizer will allow the transfer (1 time only) of race bibs, from a registered participant, to someone else who has not signed up for the race yet. But any transfer of race bibs (SAME category or distance), with the new participant’s name. This will be allowed only up to 1 week (7 days) before the race.
- Distance or category:
- If a registered participant chooses to change distance or category, the organizer will allow the changes, only up to 1 week (7 days) and this must be done in writing, with full details before the race.
- If the participant would like to upgrades the distance, (e.g. From 10km to 25km), the balance in the entry fee will be apply (full rate)
- If the participant downgrades the distance, (e.g. From 50km to 25km) the balance in the entry fee will not be reimburse. - BIB name:
- If a registered participant would like to change the name with the new participant’s name, the organizer will allow the changes (1 time) only up to 1 week (7 days) before the race.
-Transfer of race bibs, name or to a different category/distance, will NOT be allowed ON RACE DAY. - T-Shirt size:
- Please refer to manufacture’s size chart (registration platform)
- No change of T-Shirt size will be allowed ON RACE DAY, - Registration on site:
- Will be allowed ON RACE DAY, one hour before the race start.
- Please be sure your timing chip is properly fixed to your right ankle.
- The participant understands that he/she must report to and return the timing chip, to the finish officials in every circumstance – even upon retiral (DNF) from the course. Charges equivalent to replacement cost*, will be apply for missing equipment. *(2,000 THB)
- If a winner participant of any trophy/medals/prices, etc., chooses to leave the event before the trophy ceremony and wish the organizer to send it by ordinary post services, the participant must request it in writing to the organizer (via e-mail or fill up the respective form at race control on the day). The organizer will keep the item for the period of (30 days after the race). An administration fee will be applied.
- If a winner participant of any trophy/medals/prices, etc., chooses to leave the event before the trophy ceremony and wish the organizer to keep them at the organizer’s office, for further collection, the participant must request it in writing to the organizer (via e-mail or fill up the form at race control on the day). The organizer will keep the item for the period of (30 days after the race) until its collection.
- A participant that loss any item during the event and would like to request to the organizer to send it, this request must be in writing (via e-mail, face book or phone SMS/line/WhatsApp), with full details of the loss item. The organizer will send it by ordinary post services, but only will keep it for the period of 30 days. An administration fee will be applied.
- A participant that loss any item during the event and would like to request to the organizer to keep it at the office, for further collection, this request must be in writing (via e-mail, face book or phone SMS/line/WhatsApp), with full details of the lost item. The organizer will keep it for the period of 30 days, after the race, for its collection.
- The Participant accepts that the organizer may introduce cut off times as they think they fit. The estimated limit time taken to complete the event, or any section of the event, had been considered to ensure the safe, proper running of the event and they may be instructed to withdraw from the race (DNF), in accordance with those cut off times.
- A protest is a formal complaint against the conduct of a fellow athlete, race official, or against conditions of the competition.
- Only the racer/participant/parent/legal guardian or team’s captain “The Protester”, is allow to present a protest form* to the Race Control.
- To submit a protest form, you must have substantial evidence, including witnesses and they must be willing to take part in an interview.
- Protests form must be filled, signed by “The Protester” and submitted to the Race Control, within 30 minutes of your category/distance finish.
- All protests will be result between 30 minutes, upon receiving the complete Protest Form.
- After all consideration/investigation, the final decision will be made and announce by the Race Director.
- There will be not appeal, once the decision has been made.
*Protest Form - available at the Race Control.